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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. s139-197

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A Fully Parallel Algorithm for the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem

J. J. Dongarra and D. C. Sorensen

pp. s139-s154

A Multiprocessor Algorithm for the Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenvalue Problem

Sy-Shin Lo, Bernard Philippe, and Ahmed Sameh

pp. s155-s165

A Comparison of Domain Decomposition Techniques for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations and their Parallel Implementation

David E. Keyes and William D. Gropp

pp. s166-s202

A Parallel Adaptive Numerical Scheme for Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws

Bradley J. Lucier and Ross Overbeek

pp. s203-s219

Interpreting Parallel Processor Performance Measurements

Harry F. Jordan

pp. s220-s226

Hypercube Algorithms and Implementations

Oliver A. McBryan and Eric F. Van de Velde

pp. s227-s287

The Use of Linear Programming for the Solution of Sparse Sets of Nonlinear Equations

I. S. Duff, J. Nocedal, and J. K. Reid

pp. 99-108

Local Mesh Refinement Multilevel Techniques

D. Bai and A. Brandt

pp. 109-134

A Modified Equation Approach to Constructing Fourth Order Methods for Acoustic Wave Propagation

Gregory R. Shubin and John B. Bell

pp. 135-151

Stochastic Filtering of Linear Shallow Water Wave Processes

W. P. Budgell

pp. 152-170

Numerical Specification of Discrete Least Favorable Prior Distributions

Peter J. Kempthorne

pp. 171-184

A Method for Computer Generation of Variates from Arbitrary Continuous Distributions

Gary Ulrich and Layne T. Watson

pp. 185-197